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A photo of the TU Dortmund University rector's office, two men and four women in formal attire. © Oliver Schaper​/​TU Dortmund

The Rectorate is the top managerial body of the uni­ver­si­ty. It currently consists of the President as the Chairperson, as well as five Vice-Presidents. The office of Chancellor is currently vacant. The members of the Rectorate are elected by the University Elective Assembly, which consists of the members of the University Council and the Senate.

The management tasks include, in particular, strategic planning and development – including the range of courses offered, the research priorities and the university organization. The university development plan is based on planning principles approved by the Senate and takes into account the development plans of the departments.

The Rectorate works to ensure that the other bodies, committees and officials perform their duties and that the members and staff of the university fulfill their obligations. The Rectorate is obliged to provide information to the University Council and the Senate.

President Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer

photo of Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer © Simon Bierwald​/​TU Dortmund


Phone: +49 (0)231 755-7550

Further information

Vice President Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Wiebke Möhring

photo of Prof. Dr. Wiebke Möhring © Simon Bierwald​/​TU Dortmund


Phone: +49 (0)231 755-7577 or (+49) 0231 755-757

Further information

Vice President Research Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany

photo of Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany © Simon Bierwald​/​TU Dortmund


Phone: +49 (0)231 755-7577 or (+49) 0231 755-7578

Further information

Vice President Finance Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schembecker

photo of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schembecker © Simon Bierwald​/​TU Dortmund


Phone: +49 (0)231 755-7577 or (+49) 0231 755-7578

Further information

Vice President International Affairs Prof. Dr. Tessa Flatten

photo of Prof. Dr. Tessa Flatten © Simon Bierwald​/​TU Dortmund


Phone: +49 (0)231 755-7577 or (+49) 0231 755-7578

Further information

Vice President Diversity Prof. Dr. Petra Wiederkehr

Photo of the Vice President Diversity Prof. Dr. Petra Wiederkehr © TU Dortmund University


Phone: +49 (0)231 755-7577 or (+49) 0231 755-7578

Further Information

Chancellor (vacant)

Symbolic image of a person © TU Dortmund

After 14 years in office as Chancellor of TU Dortmund University, Albrecht Ehlers retired on December 1, 2023. Until the appointment of his elected successor Markus Neuhaus, the Vice-President Finance, Prof. Gerhard Schembecker, will assume responsibility for the division. The Directors of Corporate Centers are also available to answer any technical questions.

Further information