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Please note that all events listet here are offered in German only.

Interesting events relating to talent scouting

In the lecture "Money for studying?!" you will get an overview of the various options for financing your studies (e.g. BaFöG, scholarships, etc.). At the same time, it will be explained what studying costs and what other costs may arise (rent, etc.).

Wednesday, 14.08.2024, 09:30 - 10:00

This event takes place as part of the SchnupperUni. Further information on the SchnupperUni program and how to register can be found on the website.

The target group of this lecture are students of all semesters who want to acquire or refresh their basic knowledge of scientific work or who would like to/must tackle their own written work (term paper, BA thesis, MA thesis) in the near future.

What is offered?

A digital lecture with:

  • Advice on structuring the work process
  • Tips and tricks, how to do ...
  • Information on support services

Tuesday, 20.08.2024 from 10:00 - 12:00 am

The event "Academic writing" takes place as part of the Writing Week and does not require registration.

Further events of the writing week can be found on the website .



How do foundations provide funding and who can apply? How does the application process work and which scholarship is right for me? Are scholarships only for the highly gifted? These and other questions about scholarships will be answered during the event.

In addition to general information on major scholarship funding organizations, the event will focus on the Deutschlandstipendium at TU Dortmund University (application period: 15.08.-15.09.).

This event is aimed in particular at first-year students in their first semester and will take place digitally.

Thursday, 29.08.2024, 10:00 - 11:30

The link to the event follows.



In the lecture "Money for studying?!" you will get an overview of the various options for financing your studies (e.g. BaFöG, scholarships, etc.). At the same time, it will be explained what studying costs and what other costs may arise (rent, etc.).

Tuesday, 17.09.2024, 14:00 - 15:00

Further information will follow shortly.

The event is part of "Right from the start". Further events in the lecture series can be found on the website.

The digital lecture is aimed at first-year students.

What is the content?

  • Tips on dos and don'ts in everyday university life
  • Dealing with challenges at the start of your studies
  • Information on the university "tools of the trade"


Tue, 24.09.2024, 11:00-12:00

The link to the event follows.

This digital lecture is organized by the General Student Advisory Service and Talent Scouting. The event is part of the event series "Right from the start".


Your way into the university world - An interactive workshop for all those who want to be the first in their family to study.


In our workshop ...

- ... you will find out how you can prepare well for the start of your studies.

- ... you will have the opportunity to get in touch with other first-year students and exchange ideas.

- ... we will give you tips on how to deal with doubts (including from your peers).

- ... we will explain to you why it is special to be the first in your family to study.

Due to the limited number of participants, please register by 23.09. at talentscoutingtu-dortmundde



Monday, 30.09.24, 15:30 - 17:00


The events for the year 2024 will follow shortly.

To register impairment-related needs (barrier-free access to premises, provision of written event materials, communication aids, etc.), participants should contact well in advance.