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Info Series

Problem Situations

Personal Psychological Counseling for Employees

Many of us are confronted with stresses and strains from our professional and/or private environment which, due to changes in the social and technical environment, appear more complex and difficult than was the case in the past. Against this background, it has been agreed in consultation with the staff councils to provide all employees of TU Dortmund University with an expert psychological counseling service.

Employees of  TU Dortmund can therefore also take advantage of counseling sessions for personal concerns at the Psychological Student Counseling Service or the Company Medical Service. In both facilities, the aim is to reflect on personal problem situations and to work out possible solutions. The range of services offered includes

  • Crisis intervention in acute cases
  • Brief counseling with an open topic and discussion of a possible further course of action
  • information and advice on psychosocial prophylaxis
  • Support in the search for a suitable treatment center

The counseling services are, of course, confidential.


Central Student Advisory Service - Psychological Student Advisory Service

Emil-Figge-Straße 61 (Campus North, Entrance 8 or 11) Tel. 0231 755-5050 E-mail the Psychological Student Counseling Service


Company Physician Frank Broscheit

Arbeitsmedizinische und Sicherheitstechnische Dienste e. V. Baroper Str. 299 Zwischenbau B (Campus South, entrance 44) Tel. 0231 755-5555 E-mail to ASD

Student-Related support

In everyday life, situations occur in which academic and nonacademic employees of TU Dortmund University are concerned about students. In such cases, the counselors of the Psychological Student Counseling Service are available. During the conversation, the employees can get a psychological assessment of the situation and consider behavioral strategies together with the counselors. The contact to the Psychological Student Counseling can be made by telephone or by mail.

Support for the Assistance of Students

Deckblatt vom Flyer Unterstützung von Studierenden (blaues Muster) ©

Whether everyday situations such as dealing with postponing and exam-anxious students or extraordinary situations such as meeting students with mental illnesses - the support and guidance of students is sometimes also a challenge. The Central Student Advisory Service therefore offers formats from which both teachers and students can benefit.

The offers are aimed at all interested teachers at TU Dortmund University and are free of charge. The event dates are in German.

Further information about the events