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English-taught Degree Programs

TU Dortmund University is becoming more and more international. More than 5,300 students from around 120 countries are enrolled here; they make up about 17 percent of all 30,300 students. This is mirrored in the University’s course portfolio: TU Dortmund University offers several master’s degree programs or master’s specializations that are conducted entirely in English. Contents, program structure and cooperation partners: Please find here all the most important information at a glance.

How to apply

If you are an international student thinking of coming to TU Dortmund University, the International Office is the right point of contact. Visit its website to find out more about the application process.

International Office

Advanced Methods in Particle Physics (IMAPP)

The International Master of Advanced Methods in Particle Physics (IMAPP) is a joint degree program offered by the Uni­ver­sity of Bologna (Italy), the Uni­ver­sity of Clermont Auvergne (France) and TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity (Germany), and it is supported by internationally re­nowned partner in­sti­tu­ti­ons. 

The main focus of the program is on experimental and theoretical particle physics. Methodologically, the program is based on three pillars, each of which is associated with one of the three universities. These are machine learning and statistical data analysis, instrumentation and detector physics as well as large-scale scientific computing and programming. Train­ing in these aspects is the second focus of the program. 

The image shows several crowded blue spheres surrounded by colored lines and other spheres. © pixabay

The students of one year study as a cohort, who attend courses together at the Uni­ver­sity of Clermont Auvergne (1st semester), TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity (2nd semester) and the Uni­ver­sity of Bologna (3rd semester) during the first three semesters. In the fourth semester, the students will write a Master thesis, which can be carried out at one of the three universities or at one of the associated partner in­sti­tu­ti­ons.

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Automation and Robotics

Three small white robots, one in a black jersey, one in a yellow jersey, standing next to a indoor soccer field with the green TU logo in the background. © Martina Hengesbach​/​TU Dortmund

Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, automated driving and smart and collaborative robots have become omnipresent in science, research, and industry. These rapidly advancing technologies have a substantial impact on the economy, society, and all aspects of life: The robots of the future will collaborate with humans in the workplace and assist them in health care, rehabilitation, services, education, and entertainment. More than 450 graduates of the M.Sc. degree program “Automation and Robotics” are already actively engaged in shaping the future of robotics and automation in academia and industry.

TU Dortmund University invites national and international students to join the two-year master’s program: During their studies, they will acquire theoretical knowledge in class, gain practical experience in the lab and in the framework of a six-month individual research project for their master’s thesis, and participate actively in research and development. 

The program is affiliated with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Biochemical and Chemical Engineering.

Studies start with compulsory subjects in the first semester in order to give students from different engineering disciplines an equal academic foundation in mathematics, programming, and the fundamentals of robotics and automation. The mandatory courses form the basis for the advanced, specialized courses in the second and third semester. Here, students elect courses from one of three specializations – robotics, process automation or cognitive systems.

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Chemical Biology

The Master's degree program Chemical Biology focuses on the molecular aspects of the life sciences with respect to the understanding of biological processes and their targeted chemical manipulation. In addition, modern methods of biotechnology and bioanalytics as well as their applications are taught. As the courses are mainly held in English, the students learn to master the English scientific terms and use them in an international environment in their professional life. 

In compulsory elective lectures, laboratory courses and seminars in chemical biology, cell biology and medicinal chemistry, students deepen their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in research-relevant topics. They can also take courses in chemistry or other natural or non-scientific fields. In addition, students choose a focus area in which they participate as interns in ongoing research and demonstrate their ability to conduct independent research in the Master's thesis. The completion of the Master's thesis, scheduled to take six months, marks the end of the degree program. 

In the Master's degree program, studying abroad for one to two semesters is easily possible. Comparable exams passed successfully abroad can be credited without any problems due to the freedom of choice in the Master's degree program.

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Chemical Engineering – Specialization “Process Systems Engineering”

A male student wearing safety glasses holds a test tube with a blue liquid in his hands. © Roland Baege​/​TU Dortmund

The specialization “Process Systems Engineering” in the M.Sc. degree program in Chemical Engineering enables students to work on the design and operation of complex chemical and biochemical production systems using mathematical models and state-of-the-art computer tools for simulation and optimization. This includes advanced control and production scheduling methods and the analysis and description of experimental data.

Process Systems Engineering is a carefully planned course where students do not repeat core chemical engineering subjects, such as thermodynamics, mass transfer or heat transfer etc., but instead have the opportunity to study subjects such as process control or industrial automation. In addition, students can learn how to use specialist software, for example Aspen or GProms.

Students learn in a truly international class and work together with peers from other countries, cultures, and backgrounds. Joint work in tutorials, lab exercises and project groups broaden their horizons and enable them to interact professionally in international teams and organizations.

The courses provide an education which is fundamental yet detailed as well as challenging both in terms of science and practice, while additionally focusing on soft skills and languages. Beyond a sound knowledge of engineering, students acquire a working knowledge of German and technical English and develop social skills through group projects and seminars. Graduates of this master’s program enjoy excellent employment prospects in both industry and higher education.

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The Master's degree program Chem­is­try enables students to deepen their knowledge and practical skills in light of the current state of re­search in order to work independently, e.g. in the fields of re­search, development, production or analytics. As the courses are mainly held in English, the students learn to master the English scientific terms and use them in an in­ter­na­tio­nal environment in their professional life.

Photo of a woman working in laboratory. © Pixabay

Students can choose between two major fields of study. The major field “Molecules and Materials” contains mainly courses in inorganic and organic chem­is­try. In the major field “Ex­peri­ment and Theory”, on the other hand, students select courses in physical/theoretical and industrial chem­is­try. The assignment of courses in analytical chem­is­try is regulated in the module handbook. In addition to compulsory elective lectures and laboratory courses, students do a re­search internship in one subject of the major field. Through the final Master's thesis in the same subject, students demonstrate their ability to work independently in science.

In the Master’s degree program, studying abroad for one to two semesters is easily possible. Comparable exams and laboratory courses passed successfully abroad can be credited without any problems due to the freedom of choice in the Master's degree program.

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Data Science

The two-year M.Sc. degree program in Data Science builds on the Data Science B.Sc. degree program and can be started in either the summer or the winter semester. It is run jointly by the Departments of Statistics, Computer Science, and Mathematics and provides a sound basis in statistical and mathematical theory as well as teaching contemporary methods and knowledge. As a result, graduates are capable of working scientifically and of reflecting critically on scientific findings and implementing them responsibly.

White, light blue and dark blue points connected by golden lines on a black background © Pixabay

The ability to communicate methods and their application at an interdisciplinary level, especially at the interface between statistics, computer science, mathematics and their fields of application, is a key aspect of the program.

Students who have already completed a B.Sc. program in statistics, mathematics, computer science or a related field may be admitted to this master’s program (possibly with certain restrictions). All mandatory courses are taught in English, elective courses in German may be offered.

Building on preceding studies, the advanced courses cover statistical theory, statistical learning, big data, and the application of methods in chosen areas of study. Emphasis is placed on the development and application of efficient procedures for analyzing in particular very large amounts of data. On the one hand, the English-language program prepares national students for international positions and, on the other hand, it gives international students the opportunity to gain a foothold in Germany.

Please note that the B.Sc. program „Data Science“ is taught in German.

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A laptop with mathematical formula shown on its screen on a white desk next to a coffee mug, pencils and documents. © Pixabay

Econometrics is a four-semester master’s degree program offered by TU Dortmund University, Ruhr-University Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen. The program is run jointly by the economics departments of the three universities and the Department of Statistics at TU Dortmund University. It combines the expertise and breadth of the participating departments in economics and empirical economic research with the methods-oriented training of the statisticians and econometricians at Germany’s only statistics department.

Students acquire the ability to combine methodological skills with expertise in economics. They gain extensive knowledge of econometric methods and models and an in-depth understanding of central economic causal relationships and the resulting econometric outcomes. The program particularly helps students interested in research to develop the analytical skills needed to address specific research questions in economics and thus prepares them well for doctoral studies in econometrics or neighboring disciplines. The program is also excellent preparation for a career in econometrics, empirical economic research, evidence-based policy consulting or operational research.

Most modules consist of several courses which may be chosen according to students’ individual interests. Core courses address key concepts in statistical theory, econometrics and time series analysis. The core curriculum also teaches skills in project management, consulting, and applied research. A large portfolio of electives and seminars on specialized topics enables students to deepen their knowledge in selected fields of econometric theory and applied economic research, e.g., health economics or financial econometrics.

Graduates receive a joint M.Sc. degree from the four participating departments.

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Industrial Mathematics

Two men and a woman look at a simulation of an aircraft engine. © Gorodenkoff​/​Adobe Stock

The international Master’s program in Industrial Mathematics is an English-language specialization of the Master’s program Technomathematics. Taught entirely in English, this specialization provides students with the necessary mathematical tools to solve problems in the industrial sector. Students learn how to apply mathematical modeling and simulation techniques to real-world problems in areas such as finance, engineering, and logistics.

By the end of the program, graduates will have gained a unique and highly sought-after skillset, making them highly competitive in the job market. By integrating practice-oriented study projects and also industrial internships in cooperation with regional industrial companies from the Dortmund area and the Ruhr region, the degree program offers a great incentive for foreign (and domestic) students as well as for regional industrial companies and research institutions as potential employers.

The Master’s program in Industrial Mathematics prepares students for a career in business and industry. Due to its research orientation, it also opens up the possibility of a subsequent doctorate in mathematics or an applied subject. 

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Manufacturing Technology (MMT)

The M.Sc. in Manufacturing Technology (MMT) focuses on the analysis of advanced manufacturing problems with a strong emphasis on the combination of scientific theory-based courses and experimental industrial setups. The English-taught master’s degree program provides an excellent university education for outstanding, motivated, and dedicated students within a research-based framework complemented by industrial cooperation. 

A machine from the metal cutting production. © Nikolas Golsch​/​TU Dortmund

In the first two semesters, students gain deep, theoretical knowledge in the field of manufacturing technology. In addition, they choose elective modules according to their individual interests. The second year of study is dedicated to acquiring practical skills by completing the laboratory and scientific (industrial) project work modules. Students also learn how to organize and implement team projects.

Thanks to the program’s internationality, students acquire intercultural skills. The “Interdisciplinary Qualification” module allows students to familiarize themselves with the methodologies of other disciplines such as the humanities or the social or economic sciences. Skills acquired in rhetoric and language courses can be applied in everyday working life and contribute to students’ personal development.

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Mechanics of Sustainable Materials and Structures

Collage of photos of a tree house, an overgrown visionary façade and two motifs with material structures in shades of blue

The "Mechanics of Sustainable Materials and Structures" Master’s program is a collaborative effort among TU Dortmund University, the University of Trento (Italy), and Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), offering a multiple-degree diploma. The program prepares students for advanced research and technical careers in mechanics for innovative materials and structures, especially under extreme conditions and in their environment, as well as for doctoral studies. It involves studying at each university sequentially over three semesters, with the fourth semester dedicated to the Master Thesis, which can be completed at one of the partner universities or an international partner institution.

Tuition is approximately 1500€ per semester, covering student services and enrollment fees at all three universities. For further details, admission requirements and funding information please visit the program's official web pages (see button "More information").

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AI-generated representation of an infinite knot in a web of light particles, with glowing paths in warm orange and cool blue tones that emphasize complex, interwoven structures in a dark space. Please provide a copyright notice

Physics tries to measure quantifiable natural phenomena by means of specific experiments and to describe them theoretically by means of the simplest possible fundamental models. In constant cross-fertilization of experiment and theory, physics today has penetrated the realms of the largest dimensions - in astrophysics - as well as those of the smallest dimensions - in elementary particle physics. One of the guiding principles of the physics program at TU Dortmund University is to anchor the integration of experiment and theory, which has been so successful in research, already in the education.

The Master’s degree program is divided into a one-year study phase and a one-year research phase. The study phase is dedicated to special and in-depth courses. In addition to further lectures and exercises as well as the advanced practical course, the study phase includes seminars in which the students themselves prepare papers on special topics. The research phase begins with a research internship in a research group, which prepares students for the scientific work involved in writing the master's thesis. Students of the Master’s degree program can specialize in the areas condensed matter physics, elementary particle physics, medical physics or accelerator physics and synchrotron radiation. The range of courses offered by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum can be used in physics as well as in minor subjects by arrangement.

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Religion, Ethics, and Politics

The tense relationship between religion and politics is one of the most important social issues of our time. Societal and scientific debates on the issue have been triggered by increasing religious pluralization, changing moral concepts, but also globalization and migration. How tolerant should societies be of religious groups and their rituals and practices? What values, such as equal rights for women and men, should not be open to discussion? What possibilities exist for cooperation between the state and religious communities and where is potential for conflict? How does religiousness or non-religiousness affect our identity? These are concrete sample questions that the Master's program 'Religion, Ethics, and, Politics' deals with.

The photo shows blurred many passers-by walking across a crosswalk. © pixabay​/​Brian Merrill

MaREPol examines the relationship between religion, politics, and society from theological, philosophical, and political science perspectives. Students learn to address and understand the interaction between these spheres as well as the challenges that result from this complex field of tension and to develop interdisciplinary solutions. In doing so, they deal with the ethics and aesthetics of religions, analyze the relationship between religion and state in political systems, or discuss theological justifications for the political engagement of religious communities.

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Spatial Planning

Model of a city © Uwe Grützner​​/​​Fa­kul­tät Raum­pla­nung

The Master of Science in Spatial Planning is a two-semester-program which welcomes especially students from the fields of urban and regional planning, spatial planning, and urban de­sign. Students from similar disciplines such as geographers or (landscape) architects are also welcome to apply to the M.Sc. Spatial Planning if their respective Bachelor studies or working experience correspond with the content of the bachelor program in the Department of the Spatial Planning.

Depending on the particular curriculum the students are able to choose semi­nars out of different specializations. The specializations taught in English are called „Urban Trans­for­ma­tion“ and „Planning in the Global South“. 

With the consecutive master program Spatial Planning, students acquire an additional professional qualification. At the same time, the master program serves as preparation for acquiring a doctorate. The master program Spatial Planning qualifies students in particular to apply basic knowledge in spatial planning in new contexts on an inter­dis­ci­plin­ary basis and to extend their knowledge and skills individually in chosen fields of spatial planning re­search activities.

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SPRING - Regional Development Planning and Management

SPRING stands for Spatial Planning for Regions in Growing Economies and is a two-year master’s degree program that addresses current spatial planning topics in developing and emerging countries. For example, SPRING students discuss the challenges of rapid urban growth, reflect on the conflict between environmental protection and economic development, design concepts to improve transport systems or define strategies to cope with the impacts of climate change.

Aerial view of Mumbai © Pixabay

The first year of the SPRING program takes place at TU Dortmund University, followed by a second year at one of the four partner universities in Ghana, Tanzania, the Philippines, Chile or Brazil.

Each of the SPRING partner institutions has special academic expertise, which is reflected in the respective curriculum and course offer. Specializations or study foci vary from Urban Planning at Ardhi University to Sustainable Development Planning and Management at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Environmental Economics in Planning at the Universidad Austral de Chile, Special Problems in Regional Planning (Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management) at the University of the Philippines and Planning and Governance and Public Policy for Sustainable Urban Agglomerations at the Universidade Federal do ABC.

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Sustainable Energy Systems

The Sustainable Energy Systems Master programme prepares students for work in the broad field of energy system transformation towards a climate-neutral, economic and supply-secure future. The main technical perspective targets the transition of the electrical power system based on renewable energy. Knowledge of its future design is supplemented by competencies in sustainability and digitalization for smart grids and markets.

Wind turbines in the field ©

The course of study comprises of design, modelling, control and operation of electrical energy systems while considering sustainability perspectives. The course also prepares the students in distributed renewable generation, sector coupling with all energy sectors, and related energy market designs.

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