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Online enrollment for the winter semester

Admission-free degree programs

Here you will find all open-admission programs for the 1st semester in which you can enroll for the winter semester at TU Dortmund University within the regular deadlines.

Natural Sciences and Computer Sciences

The bachelor's degree program in Applied Computer Science offers the opportunity to apply methodological knowledge of computer science in an engineering subject. The elective area, which is reduced in comparison to the bachelor's program in computer science, allows a stronger focus on application areas of computer science.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Chemical products can be found everywhere in our everyday lives: medicines, cosmetics, storage media, plastics - chemists are involved in all of them. They investigate the structure and properties of substances, experiment with compounds and research innovative areas of application.

more information about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

The Bachelor's program in Chemical Biology has a strong interdisciplinary focus and is offered with the participation of the neighboring Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Today, new insights in science, business, administration and technology almost always arise from large and complex data sets. To properly handle patient or customer data, stock prices and returns, and weather or climate information, one needs knowledge from statistics, computer science, and mathematics. The Data Science program combines these subjects, enabling students to perform statistical data analysis while gaining deeper insights into computer science concepts and methods.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

The bachelor's degree program in computer science provides a solid knowledge of methods that forms the basis for a successful professional life.

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Mathematicians are able to translate concrete problems into mathematical questions, to solve them and to draw conclusions for the application case.

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More and more, medicine is also applied physics. It has long been impossible to imagine hospitals or doctors' offices without highly complex and sophisticated equipment. Ultrasound sensors show deposits in arteries, strong magnetic fields in tomographs make muscles, organs and fat visible. Not only in diagnosis, but also in treatment, things are physical: lasers cut more precisely than scalpels, accelerators destroy tumors with high-energy radiation and spare healthy tissue all around.

more info on the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Physics tries to measure quantifiable natural phenomena by means of targeted experiments and to describe them theoretically by means of the simplest possible fundamental models. In constant cross-fertilization of experiment and theory, physics today has penetrated the realms of the largest dimensions - in astrophysics - as well as those of the smallest dimensions - in elementary particle physics. One of the guiding principles of the physics program at the Technical University of Dortmund is to anchor the integration of experiment and theory, which has been so successful in research, already in the education.

more information about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Every day we encounter tables and graphs in newspapers, on television and on the Internet. That's why many people think that's statistics. In truth, there is much more to it than that. Statistics is the separation of chance and system, the inference from random samples to basic populations, the identification of causal relationships or the finding of small needles in large haystacks.

Statistics is becoming increasingly important in almost all areas of business, science and everyday life. Planning clinical trials, quality control in industry, forecasting election results or economic growth rates all rely on modern statistics.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Many technical processes are not initially realized in concrete terms, but are modeled and simulated with computers. For example, in order to find out how long a component can withstand mechanical stress and when the first cracks will appear, real components or machines are not destroyed in tests; instead, the answers sought are determined by simulations. Technomathematicians develop and optimize such simulations and thus contribute to intelligent product development.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Business mathematicians apply mathematical methods to economic problems. The study of business mathematics is composed of mathematics, economics and computer science.

more information about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Engineering Sciences

In bioengineering and chemical engineering, people are in demand who seek (engineering) technical solutions for the small and large problems of our lives: It is about clean laundry, clean water and clean air, but also about the production of paint, cosmetics, medicine, fertilizers or new forms of energy. Bioengineering is a technically oriented course of study that focuses on translating the findings of the life sciences into technical applications.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

In bioengineering and chemical engineering, women and men are equally in demand when it comes to the small and large problems of life: clean laundry, clean water and clean air - but also paint, cosmetics, medicine, fertilizers or new forms of energy.Chemical engineering, also known as "chemical technology", is an interdisciplinary, scientific-technical course of study in which the processes of material conversion are dealt with comprehensively in scientific terms, with which approximately half of the German industrial products are produced.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

The bachelor's degree program in electrical engineering and information technology deals with issues from a wide range of technical fields. These range from energy conversion and transmission to automotive electronics and from the development and processing of microchips to data communication.

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Logistics is the technological cornerstone of globalization. Only the efficient planning and control of value chains enables the worldwide procurement, production and sale of goods. The logistics degree program has an interdisciplinary focus and reflects the multifaceted job profile of the industry.

more information about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Mechanical engineering makes a decisive contribution to the level of technical development in our society. The production of all industrial and consumer goods requires the use of mechanical engineers. The design of machines and plants as well as the development of new manufacturing processes require not only special technical but also profound knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, computer science and business administration.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

Expertise in music and professionalism in dealing with the media. That is the goal of the bachelor's degree program in music journalism. The course, a cooperation between the Institute of Music and Musicology and the Institute of Journalism, aims to meet the requirements specifically in the communication of "sophisticated music" in classical, film, jazz or pop. On this basis, students learn the technical and methodological craft to be able to apply, critically question and explore media in relation to music culture.

more info about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal

The Rehabilitation Pedagogy program provides knowledge, skills, and methods in the fields of social rehabilitation and education, disability services, and the social and health care system.

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for online application via the campus portal

In addition to providing general sociological skills in the areas of sociological thinking, theories, and social structure, we offer a focus on six key fields of social change (students choose two of them): Social Inequalities and Cultural Differences, Life Course and Biography, Health and Well-Being, Work, Organization and Technology, Knowledge and Education, and Environment and Innovation.

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for online application via the campus portal

Teacher Training

In the teaching profession at vocational colleges, the study of two subjects and educational sciences is compulsory, whereby instead of a subject, a vocational specialization or a special educational focus can also be chosen.

more information about the study program for online enrollment via the campus portal