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JProf TU

Department of Mathematics

Portrait of a man © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Optimization        

Research areas

  • Mixed-integer PDE-constrained optimization problems
  • Trust-region algorithms
  • Regularization techniques

To the Assistant Professorship

Portrait of a man in front of the spectral rings on the TU campus © Hesham Elsherif​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Mathematics Education Research for Primary Education

Research Areas

  • Digital media in the training and further education of mathematics teachers
  • Dealing with heterogeneity through the use of digital media
  • Empirical educational research

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Physics

picture of a man © privat

Assistant Professorship Theoretical Solid-State Physics

Research Areas

  • Digital Quantum Simulation
  • Non-equilibrium Dynamics in Many-Body Systems
  • Quantum Computing

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a man © Armin Lühr

Assistant Professorship Medical Physics with Focus on Computational Physics

Research areas

  • Biological and clinical effects of radiotherapy in cancer treatment
  • Radiation physics for a high-precision irradiation with protons
  • Novel treatment approaches in proton therapy
  • Machine learning for clinical imaging and radiotherapy

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a man © Nikolas Golsch​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Accelerator Physics

Research areas

  • Ultrafast processes of electron dynamics
  • Angle- and time-resolved measurements at free-electron lasers
  • Online analysis at the interface between artificial intelligence and experiment
  • X-ray spectroscopy of liquid phase systems

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Computer Science

picture of a man © private

Assistant Professorship Secure Software Engineering

Research areas

  • Static program analysis
  • Program Evolution
  • Science Quality in Computer Science

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a man © Aliona Kardasch​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Smart City Science

Research areas

  • Distributed Data Mining
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Multi-Agent Learning
  • Privacy Preserving Learning, Privacy-by-Design

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Statistics

picture of a woman © Aliona Kardash​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Econometrics

Research areas

  • Nonstationary time series and panel data
  • Cross-sectional dependence in panel data
  • Cointegration
  • Empirical Macroeconometrics

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a man outside © Hesham Elsherif​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Statistics

Research areas

  • Resampling methods
  • Survival and event time analysis
  • Multivariate analysis
  • Asymptotic statistics

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a woman © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Mathematical Statistics

Research areas

  • Design of experiments
  • Biostatistics
  • Model selection and model averaging

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a man in a library © Hesham Elsherif​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Biostatistical Methods for Environmental Medicine

Research areas

  • Biostatistics
  • Statistical Learning
  • High-dimensional data
  • Genetic and environmental factors

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Portrait image of  a man, JProf. Peer Woizeschke. © photolovin'

Assistant Professorship Process Chain Oriented Laser Materials Processing

Research Areas

  • Laser beam based manufacturing technology in the fields of joining technology, additive manufacturing, subtractive processes, surface technology and special processes
  • Research and development activities regarding laser beam properties, process development, process metrology, quality assurance, metallographic characterization, data analysis and simulation
  • Applications in the fields of multi-material design, functional energy distribution, process-functional interfaces, production engineering for hydrogen technology and machining-oriented laser materials processing 

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Spatial Planning

picture of a man © Uwe Grützner​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Spatial Modelling

Research Areas

  • Spatial analysis of user-generated geographical information
  • Formalisation and methodological processing of place-related information
  • Empirical geographical studies

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

picture of a woman © Beat Baschung

Assistant Professorship Solid Building Constructions

Research Areas

  • Establishment and constant expansion of a material archive for natural materials with low CO2 content, such as clay, wood and stone, as an infrastructure element between research and teaching
  • The potential of solid natural stone construction for contemporary, durable, and sustainable construction
  • Experimental design investigations at the interface of construction, material and architectural expression

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Business and Economics

picture of a woman © private

Assistant Professorship Economics

Research Areas

  • Economic history
  • Long-term economic growth
  • Demographic economics

To the Assistant Professorship

Portrait of Daniela Gimenez © Felix Schmale​/​ TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Entrepreneurship

Research Areas

  • The role of context in women’s and men’s entrepreneurial activities
  • Women in economic activities such as entrepreneurship, informal economy, family businesses
  • Sustainable ventures

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a man © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Digital Entrepreneurship

Research Areas

  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Digitalization
  • Entrepreneurial behaviour and strategies
  • Digital innovations and business models

To the Assistant Professorship

Photo by JProf. Mario Nadj © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Business and Information Systems Engineering

Research Areas

  • Business Intelligence & Analytics
  • Physiological Computing
  • Interactive & Explainable Machine Learning

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

A portrait image of a woman, JProf. Lena Hünefeld, against a white background. © Felix Schmaler​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Inclusion and Work: Mental Health

Research Areas

  • Health in the context of employment
  • Vulnerable groups in employment
  • Changing working conditions/stresses
  • Social and health inequalities

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a woman © private

Assistant Professorship Digital Interventions and Inclusive Education

Research Areas

  • Development and research on pedagogical diagnostics instruments with a focus on digital learning progress monitoring tools and screenings
  • School performance and learning development of students with and without special needs (focus on inclusive primary education)
  • Teacher education with focus on diagnostics and digital literacy
  • Prevention and intervention in the context of inclusive schooling and teaching
  • Learning difficulties and learning under difficult conditions

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Humanities and Theology

Portrait of a man in a shirt in front of a green tree © Hesham Elsherif​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Philosophy of Science with Focus on Artificial Intelligence

Research Areas

  • Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Models and Simulations
  • Scientific realism
  • Philosophical foundations of quantum physics
  • General philosophy of science

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a man © Nadja Moutevelidis

Assistant Professorship Practical Philosophy With a Focus On Challenges Of New Technologies

Research Areas

  • Ethics of AI
  • Ethics of Surveillance
  • Methodological issues in applied ethics and political philosophy
  • Moral Epistemology
  • Theory of Tolerance

To the Assistant Professorship

picture of a man © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Religion and Politics

Research Areas

  • Party competition in Europe
  • Interest groups and lobbyism
  • Politics and religion
  • Welfare politics
  • Migration and integration politics

To the Assistant Professorship

Portrait JProf. Eva Schmidt © Privat

Assistant Professorship Theoretical Philosophy

Research Areas

  • Epistemic reasons and reasons for action
  • Philosophy of perception
  • Explainable artificial intelligence

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Arts and Sports Sciences

picture of a man in front of the spectral rings on TU campus © Hesham Elsherif​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Data Analytics in Sports Science

Research Areas

  • Device-based measurement of movement behaviors
  • Physical activity and health
  • Data-driven health
  • Wearables for population health

To the Assistant Professorship

Department of Social Sciences

Schwarz-weiß Portrait einer Frau mit Brille und kurzen, hellen Haaren © Friedrich Schmidt

Assistant Professorship for Employment and Education in Higher Age

Research Areas

  • Demographic aging in the labor market
  • Qualification over the life course
  • Qualitative and mixed-methods methodologies

To the Assistant Professorship

DoKoLL / Central Facilities

picture of a woman © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund

Assistant Professorship Digitally mediated teaching and learning

Research Areas

  • Digitality in foreign language teacher education and foreign language teaching
  • Language learning with digital media
  • Teacher education for heterogeneous learning settings in initial and in-service training

To the Assistant Professorship