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Study without Abi

Application process and application deadlines for open-admission programs and subjects

The application for persons in case group 1, case group 2 as well as case group 4 is possible until Friday before the start of each lecture (Dates and deadlines).

The application deadline for persons in case group 3 is 01.04. for the winter semester and 01.10. for the summer semester. For the summer semester, you can currently only apply for the Bachelor's program in Computer Science.

You can apply via the Student Registration Office. Please use this application form: Application form for single bachelor degree programs without admission and open-admission teaching subjects in case of a change of subject. The completed application must be emailed to the Student Registration Office prior to the deadline. The documents to be enclosed can be found in the application form. After checking your documents and the requirements for the case group applied for, you will be informed about the enrollment procedure by the Student Registration Office.

Case groups

According to § 2 BBHZVO, access to studies on the basis of professional advancement training is granted to those who have obtained one of the following degrees of advancement training:

  1. Master craftsman's certificate in accordance with §§ 45 or 51a of the Crafts Code,
  2. Equivalent advanced training qualification for which examination regulations exist in accordance with §§ 53 or 54 of the Vocational Training Act or §§ 42 or 42a of the Crafts Code,
  3. Completion of a technical school in accordance with the Framework Agreement on Technical Schools of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany,
  4. completion of an equivalent advanced training course regulated by state law for occupations in the health care sector and in the field of social care or social education occupations, or
  5. Completion of other equivalent advanced training regulated by federal or state law.

If you belong to one of these groups of persons, you generally have unrestricted access to higher education.

Important note!!!

If it is not possible to determine that you belong to case group 1, you may have to take an entrance examination. For this, however, a significantly earlier application is required. It is recommended that you apply by 01.04 for the winter semester or by 01.10 for the summer semester, as otherwise there may be a delay in admission of up to one year.

According to § 3 BBHZVO, access to the study program on the basis of professionally appropriate vocational training and professional activity is granted to those who

  1. has completed a vocational training course of at least two years' duration, as regulated by federal or state law, and
  2. has subsequently worked for at least three years in the occupation for which training was provided or in an occupation that is professionally equivalent to the vocational training. Two years are sufficient for scholarship holders of the federal advancement scholarship program.

The relevant date for determining sufficient professional activity is the start of lectures. On this date, the above-mentioned scope of professional activity must have been achieved and proven. Further professionally related vocational training is recognized as professional activity. Part-time employment of at least half-time will be counted as professional activity with the corresponding share. Please note that the vocational training and the professional activity carried out must both be professionally related to the desired course of study.

If you belong to this group of persons, you are generally qualified to take up a course of studies or subject corresponding to the professional qualification and the professional activity.

Important note!!!

If it is not possible to determine that you belong to case group 2, you must take an entrance examination. For this, however, a much earlier application is required. It is recommended that you apply by 01.04 for the winter semester or by 01.10 for the summer semester, as otherwise there may be a delay in admission of up to one year.

In accordance with § 4 BBHZVO, an entrance examination can be taken by anyone who has

  1. has completed at least two years of vocational training in accordance with federal or state law and
  2. has subsequently worked for at least three years in a profession that does not correspond to the vocational training or the intended course of study. Two years are sufficient for scholarship holders of the federal advancement scholarship program.

The relevant date for determining sufficient professional activity is the start of lectures. On this date, the above-mentioned amount of professional activity must have been achieved and must be verifiable. Equal to professional activity is the main responsible and independent management of a family household and the upbringing of a minor child within the meaning of § 25 paragraph 5 of the Federal Training Assistance Act or the care of a relative within the meaning of § 16 paragraph 5 of the Tenth Book of the Social Code - Social Administrative Procedure and Social Data Protection. In addition, § 4 Paragraph 2 BBHZVO provides for a list of further activities that are credited as professional activities within the meaning of the above-mentioned requirements. The Berufsbildungshochschulzugangsverordnung - BBHZVO can be found at the end of this page under the item "Information and Application". At least half-time employment or assumption of the previously mentioned tasks will be counted as professional activity with the corresponding share.

The entrance examination consists of a written examination part of 4 time hours to check the subject-specific knowledge and an oral examination part of 30 minutes to check the general competences. For further information on the division of the entrance examination for a teacher training program, please refer to the entrance examination regulations below. Passing the entrance examination entitles you to take up studies related to the course of study, in the case of a teacher training course exclusively with the subject combination applied for.

With the grade of the entrance examination, you participate in the allocation procedure and are treated equally to applicants with a regular university entrance qualification (e.g. the Abitur).

According to § 4 paragraph 3 BBHZVO, a trial study can be attended by those who fulfill the requirements of case group 3 (entrance examination).

In principle, a trial study is only possible in degree programs with open admission.

The trial study is the aptitude testing procedure that professionally qualified applicants can go through instead of the entrance examination in order to acquire a university entrance qualification for the chosen course of study at the TU Dortmund University. The duration of the trial study is two semesters. After a successful trial study, you can continue your studies in the chosen degree program. The trial study is successful if an average of 20 credit points per trial semester is proven. If the trial study is not successful, the chosen study program cannot be continued. However, you still have the option of taking an entrance examination.