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Enrollment Requirements

1-subject master

These credentials must be submitted or verified at the time of enrollment/application to the aforementioned master's degree programs.

The admission requirement for the master's program is a bachelor's degree in physics or a comparable degree. The overall grade must be 2.8 or better according to the German grading system or a comparable performance in another system. In addition, proof of competence in the English language, which must be at least level B2 of the European Framework of Reference, is required. The examination board decides on admission.

Students must have completed at least 6 semesters of a Bachelor's, Master's or Diploma program in a social or behavioral science discipline with an overall grade of at least "good" and must have sufficient knowledge of empirical social research methods (modules in empirical research methods and statistics worth at least 10 credit points). Students who do not have sufficient knowledge in the area of methods must make up for this within the first master's semester.


Prerequisite for admission to the study program is

  1. a degree comparable to a Bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science or Computer Science.
  2. Good knowledge of German and English at an advanced level.

Applications for enrollment should be submitted to the Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Computer Science via the Student Registration Office of the TU Dortmund University. If the Bachelor's degree was awarded by a German university and the grade point average is at least "good" (2.5 or better), enrollment is done directly by the Student Registration Office. In all other cases, enrollment requires the approval of the Admissions Committee.


Conditional enrollment is possible in certain cases. Please contact the program coordinator.


Conditional enrollment is possible in certain cases. Please contact the program coordinator.


The admission requirement for the Master's program in Architecture and Urban Design is a six-semester Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Science) in Architecture and Urban Design at the TU Dortmund University. Applicants with a different degree will be examined on the basis of the application documents to be submitted to determine whether the degree in question is equivalent to the required degree or whether there is special potential for successful completion of the master's program. As a rule, equivalence is given if the study and examination achievements essentially correspond in content, scope and requirements to those of the Bachelor's degree program in Architecture and Urban Design at the TU Dortmund University. This does not involve a schematic comparison, but rather an overall consideration and evaluation. The determination is made by the examination board.


Admission is granted by the examination board in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.


The admission requirement for the Master's program in Civil Engineering is a six-semester Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Science) in Civil Engineering at the TU Dortmund University. In the case of applicants with a different degree, the application documents to be submitted will be used to determine whether the degree in question is equivalent to the required degree or whether there is special potential for successful completion of the master's program. As a rule, equivalence is given if the study and examination achievements essentially correspond in content, scope and requirements to those of the Bachelor's degree program in Architecture and Urban Design at the TU Dortmund University. This does not involve a schematic comparison, but rather an overall consideration and evaluation. The determination is made by the examination board.


Candidates who have obtained the academic degree Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering with at least 180 credits in a relevant degree program are admitted. Equivalence is determined if the study periods, study and examination achievements are essentially equivalent in content, scope and requirements to those of the Bachelor's degree program in Biochemial Engineering at the TU Dortmund University. This is not a schematic comparison but an overall consideration and evaluation. The Bachelor's program must have been completed with an average grade of 3.0 or better, or there must be special potential for successful completion of the Master's program. The determination is made by the examination board. Students who have successfully completed a six-semester Bachelor's program at another university must complete a four-semester Master's program (beginning with the previous semester).


Candidates who have obtained the academic degree Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering with at least 180 credits in a relevant degree program are admitted. Equivalence is determined if the study periods, study and examination achievements are essentially equivalent in content, scope and requirements to those of the Bachelor's degree program in Chemical Engineering at the TU Dortmund University. This is not a schematic comparison but an overall consideration and evaluation. The Bachelor's program must have been completed with an average grade of 3.0 or better, or there must be special potential for successful completion of the Master's program. The determination is made by the examination board. Students who have successfully completed a six-semester Bachelor's program at another university must complete a four-semester Master's program (beginning with the previous semester).


Candidates who have obtained the academic degree Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering with at least 180 credits in a relevant degree program are admitted. Equivalence is determined if the study periods, study and examination achievements essentially correspond in content, scope and requirements to those of the Bachelor's degree program in Chemical Engineering at the TU Dortmund University. This is not a schematic comparison but an overall consideration and evaluation. The Bachelor's program must have been completed with an average grade of 3.0 or better, or there must be special potential for successful completion of the Master's program. The determination is made by the examination board.

Unless the bachelor's program has been completed with 210 credits and other requirements have been imposed individually, the program comprises 4 semesters including a bridging semester and in this case can only be started in the winter semester.


Admission requirements

The admission requirement for the Master's program is a 1-subject Bachelor's degree in the subject Chemistry or Chemical Biology from the TU Dortmund University. Another degree in a comparable course of study of at least three years can be recognized as comparable upon application to the examination board of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology if there are no significant differences to the bachelor's degree in chemistry.

For admission to the master's program, the bachelor's program in chemistry or a comparable program in Germany must have been completed with a grade of at least 3.2 or, in the case of a foreign degree, with a grade that is at least equivalent. If the relevant requirements are met, enrollment will be carried out by the Student Secretariat.

In addition, applicants must provide evidence of English language skills at the B2 level.

Application for admission to studies

Students with a degree from a university in Germany should submit their applications for admission to the study program to the examination board of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology by January 15 for the summer semester and by July 15 for the winter semester, if possible.

Graduates of a study program at a foreign university must apply for a study program at the International Office by January 15 or July 15. In the case of students from abroad, a selection interview can be held to check the suitability for the master's program if there is uncertainty about the comparability of the study program with the bachelor's program in chemistry. If a selection interview is not possible because of the application from abroad, admission to the bachelor's program only will be granted in principle.


Admission requirements

The admission requirement for the Master's program is a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Biology from the TU Dortmund University. Another degree in a comparable course of study of at least three years can be recognized as comparable upon application to the examination board of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, if there are no significant differences to the bachelor's degree in Chemical Biology. The bachelor's degree in Chemical Biology at TU Dortmund University or a comparable degree must have been completed in Germany with a grade of at least 3.2 or, in the case of a foreign degree, with a grade that is at least equivalent. If the relevant requirements are met, the enrollment will be carried out by the Student Secretariat.

In addition, applicants must provide evidence of English language skills at the B2 level.

Application for admission to studies

Students with a degree from a university in Germany should submit their applications for admission to the study program to the examination board of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology by January 15 for the summer semester and by July 15 for the winter semester, if possible.

Graduates of a study program at a foreign university must apply for a study program at the International Office by January 15 or July 15. In the case of students from abroad, a selection interview can be held to check the suitability for the Master's program if the comparability of the study program with the Bachelor's program in Chemical Biology is unclear. If a selection interview is not possible because of the application from abroad, admission to the bachelor's program only will be granted in principle. For admission to the study program, English language skills corresponding to at least level B2 of the European Framework of Reference must be proven.


The admission requirement for the Master's degree program is a Bachelor's degree in "Data Science" from TU Dortmund University or a degree of at least three years in a computer science / statistics / mathematics-oriented course of study at a German university. Comparable degrees from foreign universities are recognized in accordance with legal regulations. A course of study is considered to be computer science / statistics / mathematics-oriented if it contains a total of at least 44 ECTS in courses from the three subject areas as well as at least 8 ECTS each in computer science and mathematics and 4 ECTS in statistics. The exact requirements for the content of the Bachelor's degree program can be found on the departments website. The overall grade must be 2.7 (good) or better according to the German grading system or a comparable performance in another system. In addition, proof of competence in English, which must correspond to at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is required and a 10-page report on a statistical project published on the departments website must be written. The examination board decides on admission.  


The admission requirement for the master's program is proof of a bachelor's degree in statistics, economics or mathematics or comparable subjects with a minimum of 180 ECTS. This must have been achieved with at least a good final grade (at least 2.7). In addition, at least 15 ECTS in economics and at least 25 ECTS in mathematics, statistics, econometrics and empirical economic research are required. A minimum average grade of 3.0 must have been achieved in the modules that are included in the area of mathematics, statistics, econometrics and empirical economic research. Conditions to compensate for missing content requirements may be required.

In addition, applicants must submit an academic curriculum vitae in electronic form with a maximum length of two pages as well as proof of English language skills at the B2 level.

Furthermore, a self-assessment must be completed: We want applicants to realistically assess their knowledge of statistics, economics, and econometrics so that they can decide for themselves whether the program is suitable for them or whether specific prerequisite courses need to be taken. The self-assessment is only a self-assessment test, passing is not required. The self-assessment can be found here. Applicants can submit the completed self-assessment here. Further information can be found on our program website and on our faculty page. Admission is decided by the examination board.


The prerequisite for admission to the master's program in Economics and Journalism is a bachelor's degree in economics with a major in economics or another comparable degree in a comparable program of at least three years (six semesters) at a state or state-recognized university.


A Bachelor's degree in a relevant and recognized (Electrical Engineering or Information Technology) field of study with an overall grade of 3.5 or better is required.


The Master's degree in Educational Science builds consecutively on the relevant Bachelor's degree of the Faculty of Educational Science and Sociology of TU Dortmund University or on another degree of other universities that is considered equivalent. The application for enrollment is done online via the Student Registration Office.

Dates, application forms, etc. can be found at:

Basically the following applies

  • for applicants from the BA "Educational Science" of the TU Dortmund University: You only have to apply for a change of study (prerequisite is a BA degree with at least "good", 2.5);
  • for applicants from other universities: you submit an application for enrollment. Afterwards, your documents will be checked by the faculty and you will then receive a message from the Student Secretariat whether your enrollment is approved (possibly with conditions) or rejected.


The admission requirement for the master's degree program in Real Estate and Construction Management is a six-semester Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Science) in Civil Engineering or in Architecture and Urban Development at the TU Dortmund University. In addition, the overall grade must be 2.7 or better. In the case of applicants with a different degree, the application documents to be submitted will be used to determine whether the degree in question is equivalent to the required degree or whether there is special potential for successful completion of the master's program. As a rule, equivalence is given if the study and examination achievements essentially correspond in content, scope and requirements to those of the Bachelor's degree program in Civil Engineering or the Bachelor's degree program in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Technical University of Dortmund. This is not a schematic comparison but an overall consideration and evaluation. The determination is made by the examination board.


The Master’s degree program is designed for students who have a strong interest in mathematical methods and their applications, and who wish to deepen their knowledge in the modern and advanced methods used in this specific area of research and the job market. Except for language skills, the requirements for the Master’s degree program in Technomathematics apply, so that students should bring with their Bachelor’s degree 100 credit points (LP) from mathematical courses and 20 LP from a minor, with a broad basic education in computer science being advantageous. If the amount is less, admission may be granted with conditions (up to 30 LP). In addition, students should have an interest in mathematical applications and a willingness to travel. Due to the international nature of the program, students are expected to have a good command of English (TOEFL with at least 550 (paper-based) / 215 (computer-based) / 79 (internet-based) points).



Prerequisite for admission to the study program is

  1. a degree in Computer Science or Computer Science comparable to a Bachelor's degree.
  2. Good knowledge of German and English at an advanced level.

Applications for enrollment should be submitted to the Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Computer Science via the Student Secretariat of the TU Dortmund University. If the Bachelor's degree was awarded by a German university and the grade point average is at least "good" (2.9 or better), enrollment is done directly by the Student Secretariat. In all other cases, enrollment requires the approval of the Admissions Committee.


The prerequisite for admission to the Master's program is the B.A. Journalism degree obtained at the TU Dortmund University or a degree recognized as equivalent by the Examination Committee.

Admission is only possible for those who have completed the Bachelor's program with an overall grade of at least "good" (grade point average 2.5 or better). In addition, the applicant must provide evidence of sufficient professional experience in journalism. This requires the completion of at least twelve months of editorial traineeship at a current mass medium.

The decision on admission to the master's program is made by the examination board.


Graduates who meet the following requirements are eligible for admission:

  • BA Teacher Education with the core subjects of Art, Textile Design, Art/Design, Music, or the complementary subject Cultural Anthropology of Textiles, or comparable programs at other universities, provided the bachelor's thesis was written on a scholarly topic and not on a subject-specific practical topic; or one of the programs BA Art History, BA Musicology, or BA Folklore/European Ethnology/Empirical Cultural Studies/Cultural Anthropology;
  • Good to very good GPA (BA 2.5 and above);
  • English language skills at an advanced level - to be proven by a German university entrance qualification with proven English language skills or by a certificate corresponding to the international standard English B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference.


The admission requirement for the master's program is an equivalent bachelor's degree.


The admission requirement for the master's program is an equivalent bachelor's degree.


The admission requirement for the Master's program in Mathematics is a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics or Technomathematics at the TU Dortmund University with above-average success (grade point average 3.0 or better) or a comparable, above-average degree in a program of at least six semesters at a state or state-recognized German university. Comparability is generally given if achievements from the field of mathematics amounting to 100 credit points and from one of the minor fields of construction mechanics & statics, electrical engineering and information technology, technical mechanics, chemistry, computer science, physics, statistics, economics amounting to 20 credit points have been acquired.


The Master's program in Philosophy and Political Science can be studied by those who can demonstrate significant basic knowledge in a social science, political science or philosophy subject. The Bachelor's degree obtained must generally reflect above-average performance (overall grade of at least "good" or ECTS grade of at least B). In addition to the usual documents, you should submit the following three supplements: personal cover letter, tabular CV, letter of motivation (at least 2 pages).


Three groups of students are generally eligible for access. These are

  • Graduates in Bachelor or Diploma in Spatial Planning at the TU Dortmund University (Case A)
  • Graduates in Bachelor or Diploma of Urban and Regional Planning at another location with a minimum of 240 LP (Case B)
  • Graduates in Bachelor or Diplom Stadt-/Raumplanung at another location with a scope of less than 240 LP (Case C)
  • Graduates in Bachelor or Diploma of Urban and Regional Planning from abroad (Case D)
  • Graduates of a related study program (Case E)

Related courses of study are in particular geography, landscape planning, architecture, civil engineering and urban planning (§3 para. 3 MPO 2012). The decision is made by the admissions committee on a case-by-case basis depending on the course and specialization offerings planned for each of the upcoming two semesters.

In cases C, D and E, a decision is made on an individual basis in accordance with the previous course of study, the courses attended and examinations taken, or the professional activity. In principle, an admission is only valid for the semester for which it was applied for and issued. If no enrollment takes place in the semester in question, the admission expires.

The admission of graduates of a 6- or 7-semester Bachelor's program is subject to the requirement of 60 or 30 credit points respectively. Graduates of a study program with a scope of less than 240 LP must provide at least the difference as a requirement (§3 para. 2 MPO 2012). The exact form of the requirements is determined by the Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Spatial Planning.

Application deadline:

July 31 (for the winter semester) January 31 (for the summer semester).

Application deadline for international students (via the International Office)

July 15 (for the winter semester) January 15 (for the summer semester)

International applicants are required to attend a personal interview as a language requirement for the program and to provide proof of language proficiency (DSH-2) by the time of enrollment at the latest.


Prerequisite is a completed university degree with a final grade of at least "good" (2.3) in

  • B.A. Rehabilitation Education or
  • Diploma of Rehabilitation and Education in Disability;
  • B.A. special education

The examination board decides on exceptions and the recognition of other appropriate degrees (e.g. BA Heilpädagogik). It is recommended to acquire appropriate professional experience in fields of disability assistance and social rehabilitation at the beginning of the study program and/or to pursue a relevant professional activity parallel to the study program.


Admission is made through the SPRING admissions committee of the Faculty of Spatial Planning.


The admission requirement for the Master's degree program is a Bachelor's degree in "Statistics" with a good final grade (at least 2.7). Instead of the Bachelor's degree, other degrees can also be credited in full or in part in justified cases, provided they are equivalent.


For admission to the Master’s degree program, a BSc or equivalent degree in electrical engineering or a comparable study programme is required. Certificates have to be certified by a notary and/or by the Ministry of Education or German consulates or respective authorities. For enrolment, they have to be presented in the original. 

Language requirements: 
An English proficiency level in the range of the European CEFR C1 is requested. For instance, this translates to
IETLS 7 (overall, academic test)
TOEFL ibT 95 or similar test frameworks.


The admission requirement for the Master's program in Technomathematics is a Bachelor's degree in Technomathematics or Mathematics at the TU Dortmund University with above-average success (grade point average 3.0 or better) or a comparable, above-average degree in a course of study of at least six semesters at a state or state-recognized German university. Comparability is generally given if achievements in the field of mathematics amounting to 100 credit points and in one of the minor fields of construction mechanics & statics, electrical engineering and information technology, technical mechanics amounting to 24 credit points have been acquired.


When enrolling, students must indicate their chosen specialization. The following specializations are available for selection:

  • Profile Production Management
  • Profile Management of Electrical Systems
  • Profile Industrial Management

Admission requirement for the Master's program is an equivalent Bachelor's degree.


The admission requirement for the Master's program in Business Mathematics is a Bachelor's degree in Business Mathematics or Mathematics with a minor in Economics from the TU Dortmund University with above-average success (grade point average 3.0 or better) or a comparable, above-average degree in a course of study of at least six semesters at a state or state-recognized German university. Comparability is generally given if achievements in the field of mathematics amounting to 70 credit points and in the field of economics amounting to 42 credit points have been acquired.


The admission requirement for the Master's program is a relevant Bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is relevant if it was awarded as a degree from a program with performance of at least one third (60 credit points) in business administration and/or economics and at least one third (60 credit points) in economics, mathematics, statistics and/or computer science. The Bachelor's degree obtained must reflect an above-average performance (overall grade of at least "good" (2.5) or ECTS grade of at least B).

Please note: In the winter semester 2022/23 as well as in the summer semester 2023, the overall grade to be verified will be suspended.


The requirements for admission to the Master's program are met by those who have successfully completed the eight-semester Bachelor's program in Science Journalism at the TU Dortmund University or a program in Science Journalism recognized as equivalent by the Examination Committee. The only requirement for being considered equivalent is that the course includes at least 12 months of voluntary work in a media company recognized by the examination board, or that such voluntary work has been done in addition to the study of science journalism. Admission is only possible for those who have completed the bachelor's degree program with an overall grade of at least "good" (grade point average better than or equal to 2.5). In justified exceptional cases, the examination board may admit the applicant to the master's program on the basis of a selection interview, even if the overall grade is lower. FURTHER INFORMATION