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General Conditions for good Research

Research Support at TU Dortmund University

TU Dortmund University offers researchers a wide range of support for their research activities and the development of their academic careers:

The third-party funding service of Office of Research Support Services includes information, consulting and strategic editing as well as project management for coordinated projects in EU funding. In addition, a wide range of information and qualification offers as well as an internal mail distribution list are available to you.

In financial, legal and formal questions of application, you will receive support from the Third-Party Funding and Contract Management of the Corporate Center Finance and Procurement.

The Graduate Center of TU ofDortmund University supports young academics in all career phases from doctoral interest to professorship, but also prepares them for non-academic careers.

The Center for Entrepreneurship & Transfer (CET) supports inventors from the invention to patenting to practical application and validation projects. The CET also supports the development and implementation of business ideas and promotes start-ups from TU Dortmund University.

Research is global and researchers are internationally mobile. Students, PhD students, professors, conference or longer research stays: The International Office supports international mobility - incoming and outgoing - with advice and its own funding formats and awards.

Experts from the University Library advise on publication strategies, the ResearchGate network, the researcher identifier orcID, open access publication (including the TU's internal support fund), and avoiding unscientific predatory journals.

A wide range of events informs you about the framework conditions of research and scientific careers, provides interdisciplinary qualifications and supports professional networking.