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Martin Schmeißer Foundation

Current note: The Foundation is currently undergoing a restructuring phase, as a result of which both the scholarships for theses and the Martin Schmeisser Medal are suspended.  You will find updated information, deadlines and general conditions here as soon as the restructuring process has been completed.

Rudolf Chaudoire Foundation

Every year, the Rudolf Chaudoire Foundation awards the prize of the same name. The prize is awarded to young scientists in recognition of their outstanding achievements. The prize money enables them to spend a research period abroad. The Rudolf Chaudoire Foundation grew out of the legacy of an industrialist based in the Ruhr region, who was passionate about promoting vocational training for young people. Rudolf Chaudoire had no descendants and stipulated in his will that part of his estate should be used to establish the Rudolf Chaudoire Foundation.

Informations on the Rudolf Chaudoire Research Award

Study Foundation of the TU Dortmund

The TU Dortmund University Study Foundation is a foundation under civil law with legal capacity based in Dortmund, which pursues exclusively charitable purposes. This includes, in particular, the promotion of projects that contribute to the sustainable improvement of study conditions and teaching.


Martin Schmeißer Foundation

Rudolf Chaudoire Foundation

Study Foundation of the TU Dortmund

Hannah Hexamer
Foundation Officer in the "Science and Environment" team at the German Foundation Center
Tel. ++ 49 (0) 201 8401 172
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