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The Research Magazine of TU Dortmund University


"mundo" (Latin: in the world) has been published as TU Dortmund University's research magazine since 2003. Twice a year, it provides insights into the world of science at TU Dortmund University. Each issue is dedicated to a different main topic. The reports and features on selected research projects are written in an exciting and understandable way, even for non-specialists. The printed magazine has a circulation of around 3,000. The main articles of the most recent issues can also be found here digitally. Enjoy reading!

From the current issue

For 20 years, TU Dortmund University's research magazine has been published under the name mundo, Latin for in the world. And that is precisely where the university locates itself in both research and teaching: in the international world of science. International research is also the thematic focus of this issue of mundo. Researchers at TU Dortmund University are looking for clues to new physics at the world's largest particle accelerator in Switzerland, want to make artificial intelligence trustworthy together with an international team, or are researching how solvents can make biocatalysis more efficient in the internationally active RESOLV Cluster of Excellence. The articles in this issue deal with international collaborations with up to several thousand partners, with scientists who themselves come from abroad and conduct research at TU Dortmund University, with projects funded with European third-party funds, and, of course, with research on the major social challenges of our time, which truly know no borders.

Cover of the science magazine "Mund" with the title "International research" Please provide a copyright notice