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Removal from the register of students at the TU Dortmund University

Deregistering from TU Dortmund University can take place at any time at your own request. The removal from the register of students ends your rights and obligations as a student and member of TU Dortmund University. You can apply for removal on the current date or at the end of the current semester, but not retroactively.

The date on which the removal from the register of students becomes valid ends...

  • Your membership at the TU Dortmund University
  • Your authorization to take examinations
  • Your entitlement to the Semesterticket (the AStA will reimburse you proportionally - if possible - for the remaining days of the semester)

You can apply for removal from the register of students in our campus portal . If you still have a UniCard, please submit it to the Student Registration Office. You can also send in your UniCard individually by mail after you have already deregistered. You also have the option of depositing your UniCard directly in the mailbox of the Student Registration Office in front of the building Emil-Figge-Straße 61.

Frequently asked questions about the removal from the register of students

Do I have to re-register if I have already completed all coursework?

No. If you have already completed all your achievements, you do not need to re-register. You no longer need to be enrolled for the assessment of your achievements and the issuance of your graduation documents. You can therefore apply for de-registration.

How do I proceed if I do not yet know whether I have passed or completed all coursework?

If you do not yet know conclusively whether you have completed your studies, you can re-register for your own safety. If you then apply for the removal from the register of students before the start of lectures at the latest and submit an application for a refund in our campus portal , you can have the full semester fee refunded. If you exmatriculate later, you can have the costs for the semester ticket refunded proportionally by the AStA. Information on the start of lectures and other dates and deadlines can be found here.

Where can I get a clearance certificate, a current transcript of grades, or other proof of academic achievement?

Please apply for all of the above-mentioned certificates directly at the examination administration.


The time schedule

Please submit your application for removal from the register of students in our campus portal. After successful removal, a certificate will be made available to you in the campus portal.

This certificate shows your period of enrollment as well as your most recent course of study. This certificate can be used for submission to the pension insurance or for enrollment at other universities. You should therefore keep the certificate in a safe place.

Removal from the register of students ex officio (compulsory exmatriculation)

If you do not re-register at the end of a semester, for example, you will be removed from the register of students ex officio.