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Bachelor (1 subject)

Rehabilitation Pedagogy


Degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Subject group Social Sciences and Cultural Studies
Standard program duration 6 semesters
Admission requirements none
Start of studies Winter semester
Language German
Further information Website of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
Department Department of Rehabilitation Sciences


Rehabilitation education deals with social rehabilitation and pedagogy in the context of the professional, social and digital participation of people with disabilities on an interdisciplinary basis.

You will learn how to identify the needs of people with disabilities and design living spaces tailored to their skills and the general conditions. You will also work to raise society's awareness of issues such as diversity, inclusion and participation.

The course of study is divided into general principles, specialization and elective modules. The general principles teach specialist knowledge and methods in the fields of education, professional ethics and communication. You will also deal with selected content from psychology and diagnostics. Sociology and social law also play a role in your studies. You will also learn the most important basics of accessibility, aids and assistive technologies. Within the specialization and elective modules, you can expand your specialist knowledge in the areas of work, education and technical innovation. You will apply your new specialist knowledge in a practical phase and project studies.


Vier Studierende mit Beeinträchtigung sitzen auf dem Campus und unterhalten sich. © Jürgen Huhn​/​TU Dortmund

Skills and knowledge

In addition to a general higher education entrance qualification (allgemeine Hochschulreife), you should have a basic interest in working in the social sector. Empathy, the ability to work in a team and an open approach to people and their lifestyles are prerequisites for the course of study. Future rehabilitation educators should be able to approach their fellow human beings, be interested in social problems and be willing to develop individual solution strategies. Diversity, resource orientation and participation are central concepts of the course of study.

Field of activity

In addition to disability care and the social and healthcare systems, fields of employment also include administration and commercial enterprises. Potential areas of work for graduates include, for example housing, vocational rehabilitation, clinics and rehabilitation facilities, early intervention, child and youth welfare, counseling (e.g. for inclusive workplaces, product design or the use of assistive devices). The degree offers the opportunity to continue to study in a Master's degree.

Additional information

The Bachelor's degree in Rehabilitation Education is a first professional qualification that also forms the basis for further Master's degree courses.
Part of the course is an eight-week internship in social rehabilitation and educational institutions and organizations.

A special feature of the course is the one-year project study in the third year. Here, students work independently on a project in small groups under the supervision of teachers and tutors, from planning and implementation to evaluation and presentation.