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Flu Vaccination

Influenza is an acute respiratory disease accompanied by fever, cough, and muscle pain, which is caused by infections with influenza viruses - there are different viruses. Severe courses of influenza are often observed, especially in the elderly and chronically ill, and several thousand people die from it every year.

Influenza with its sometimes serious consequences can be prevented by regular influenza vaccinations.

Acute febrile diseases of the respiratory tract (so-called colds) are among the most common diseases of people, they are caused by hundreds of different viruses. The annoying, but - unlike influenza - not life-threatening illnesses, are not prevented by influenza vaccination. It only causes the protection of influenza.

Influenza occurs more frequently during the cold season (January through April); therefore, influenza vaccination should be given during the fall months, but it can be given at any time. Influenza viruses are constantly changing, so even people who have had influenza or have been vaccinated the previous year can get influenza again this year. The influenza vaccination must therefore be repeated annually.

The influenza vaccine is reconstituted each year according to the prevailing virus types. The vaccines contain viral components (not active viruses) that induce protection against the disease in the impfling. Vaccination is administered into the muscle (intramuscularly), preferably on the upper arm, or under the skin (subcutaneously). Influenza vaccination can be given at the same time as other vaccinations. Vaccination protection begins about 2-3 weeks after vaccination.

Vaccination at TU Dortmund University

Please bring with you to the vaccination appointment:

  • the completed consent form (you will receive this separately after booking), this is for the*medical practitioner.
  • Your vaccination card (if available)

It is important for your timing that you stay in the waiting area for about 20 minutes after the vaccination due to possible side effects.

Please arrive on time for your booked appointment.

Before the vaccination, all participants of this appointment will be informed about the vaccination by the physician. Afterwards, the participants will be asked individually for the vaccination.