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“Take the Opportunity for an Exchange Semester!”

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Portrait of Erasmus student Ceren Ateş © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund
Ceren Ateş has been in Germany since the beginning of March to study for a semester at the Department of Statistics.

Ceren Ateş is a bachelor student who is studying statistics in Ankara and has completed her Erasmus exchange semester in Dortmund despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Ms. Ateş, many students were faced with the question during the pandemic of whether or not to start their exchange semester abroad. You came to Germany from Turkey at the beginning of March to study for a semester at the Department of Statistics of TU Dortmund University. What was it like to complete an Erasmus semester during the lockdown?

I had already applied for an Erasmus semester for the 2020/21 winter semester, but I was obliged to postpone it because of the coronavirus pandemic. But then in the summer semester I wanted to take the opportunity. After all, the pandemic is affecting not only me but the whole world, and I knew that people everywhere have to adapt to this situation. I hoped that I’d be able to travel around a bit and visit different places, despite the restrictions. If not, then that would have been okay too – I just wanted to take the plunge and see what was possible. I arrived in Dortmund at the beginning of March. At the start of the summer semester, the restrictions were still very strict, so I primarily got to know Dortmund and the surrounding area and went for long walks. But then the restrictions were gradually lifted, and I was also able to visit museums, for example. At the moment, life feels far more normal again, but you still have to show consideration and be careful.

How was teaching during your Erasmus semester?

I attended four courses. Above all the “Sports Data Visualization” course was highly relevant and very interesting for me. I also completed three German language courses during the semester. Although all these courses, including the languages ones, took place online, I was able to make friends with my fellow students nevertheless, for example through group work. I also met new people via my roommate in the residence hall.

What do you recommend to students currently thinking about undertaking an Erasmus semester?

Take the opportunity for an exchange semester! Despite the restrictions in connection with the coronavirus, I was able to get to know the region and its culture and make a lot of friends. Studying abroad allows a change of perspective and was a great experience. The International Office at TU Dortmund University provided lots of excellent support and helped me with all my questions. I’m going back to Turkey in September – I wish I could stay in Dortmund even longer.