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Three questions for Nadja Lehner - Talent Scout

Portrait of a woman © Golsch​/​TU Dortmund

Why do students need you as a talent scout? As a talent scout, I see myself first and foremost as a "companion" for young people who have the motivation, the will and also the courage to want to actively shape their own professional future and are also prepared to take on new challenges in the process.


I would like to support young people on this exciting path with advice and action and pick them up at the current station of their current life planning or life situation. The aim is to accompany them as needed until they reach their individual goals.

How do you recognize talent? For me, a talent in the context of talent scouting is a young person who has the ability to deal with his or her own future career plans and brings with him or her the motivation, will and courage to pursue his or her individual goals. In this case, talent lies less in actual measurable performance and more in intrinsic motivation, i.e. the willingness to take on challenges in order to achieve one's goals.

Talent found. What happens next? As a first step, it is very important for me to know which young person is sitting across from me in the consultation. I also want to get to know the talent comprehensively. For this reason, I am always interested in the person as a whole and therefore ask very detailed questions about their interests, strengths, wishes, perspectives and dreams. Based on this, the respective consultation and support phase begins, which is designed individually according to talent and need. Together we look into a possible future and consider how this path could be shaped and taken.

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