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Talent scouting at TU Dortmund University writes success stories

Collage von zwei Studentinnen © Private

The talent scouts at TU Dortmund University have been in action for around seven years: they find young talents in schools, mentor and accompany them on their way to university or vocational training and beyond. A recent study now attests to the success of talent scouting: educational equity in university access has been improved by up to 70 percent as a result of the program, and advancement through education has been made significantly easier.

Talentscouting is being implemented at 17 university locations in NRW. The Ministry of Culture and Science funds the program with around 6.4 million euros per year. Recently, its impact was examined with the study "Future and Career Plans after High School Graduation" by the Social Science Research Center Berlin and the University of Cologne. The results show that the program increased the university enrollment rate of students without an academic background by up to 70 percent compared to the control group. "The study thus confirms the success stories that we at TU Dortmund University have been experiencing with talent scouting for seven years now," says Prof. Our scouts pave the way for talented students to come to the university. The program is an important opportunity, especially for young people from non-academic backgrounds or students with disabilities. The support does not end with graduation. The scouts also support their talents in making a successful start to their studies."

The five active talent scouts of TU Dortmund University are currently on the road at a total of 25 secondary schools, mainly in Dortmund and the Unna district. They are currently accompanying around 900 talented students on their way into the future. In recent years, more than 2,500 students have benefited from this support. The scouts advise their talents individually and with an open mind as to how the time after graduation can be structured. If talented students have decided to study, the scouts also advise them on scholarships. In the meantime, around 100 talented students have been able to successfully apply for scholarships with the support of the scouts.

TU talents get off to a successful start in their studies

One of them is Sophia Strobel (23): She is now in her fifth semester of studying rehabilitation education at TU Dortmund University and is supported by a Germany Scholarship. Since the eleventh grade, TU Talent Scouting has accompanied her on her way - even during her start to her studies, which can sometimes be bumpy. "My talent scout was like an anchor during this time, giving me security. This support played an important role in me being able to successfully start and continue my studies," says Sophia Strobel. "When I have questions in my studies, it's great to know that the scouts are always approachable. I can also take part in numerous workshops or network meetings." In the meantime, the student herself is involved as a TU guide for school students; during the Dortmund University Days, she recently offered a campus tour.

Lisa Discher (21) is also one of the successful TU talents. She has also been receiving advice from Talent Scouting since the eleventh grade. After graduating from high school, she initially decided to do a voluntary social year with the support of Talent Scouting, which she completed in the International Affairs Department at TU Dortmund University. She is now in her third semester of educational science at TU Dortmund. "After school, I didn't know what I wanted to do. My scout helped me find the right field of study for me. Since then, she has supported me every step of the way in my studies," says Lisa Discher. She is now also involved as a TU Guide for interested students.

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